Saturday, March 21, 2020

Mass Communications essays

Mass Communications essays When it comes to what I would use as my primary source of news, its kind of hard to tell. I dont really watch much television, but I dont really follow anything on the internet. And I dont read newspapers at all any more. So I would say I really just listen to people. If there are people out saying that something happened, then I will go on the internet or try to watch it on Television to find out what exactly happened. So when asked about what my source would be when it comes to news, I would say its people. I personally dont use Twitter so I dont believe that its a good source for news. Its a social network and thats what it will always be. Its so easy for someone to post something that is completely wrong and then many people will believe it. When it comes to news, it should stay with the people who know how to research it and who can explain it the best. And usually that are news reporters for Television or for Newspapers. If I were to be asked how many of the First Amendment rights I knew, I could probably name at least three. I know that that is not nearly enough, but I feel like that is a nice amount to know. I feel like that is one thing that is not stressed enough when it comes to people learning about the history of America. More people should be educated on all of the rights, not just the cliche ones like: speech, religion and press. We should learn about all of the rights as if they are all equally important. I dont believe the first Amendment goes too far in the rights it guarantees. There are many things that it protects and that should be protected. Many people may think that its too broad in what it covers, but if it didnt cover everything, something small could have a drastic change in how it affects Americans. I also agree that the press has about the right amount of freedom. Sometimes it can go too far, like when it comes to tabl...

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