Friday, October 4, 2019

British and Nigerian Foundation Curriculum Essay

British and Nigerian Foundation Curriculum - Essay Example Furthermore, education in UK is regarded as a consumer good. That is, it is aimed at developing the human personality and mental development of skills, talents, ideas, scope and present knowledge so as to be used by the individual in enriching his knowledge, self-esteem and personality. Thus education in UK is aimed at developing an individual socially and intellectually and for transmitting norms and values in individuals. Emphasis is on child-centered learning by using the existing body of knowledge that is encyclopedias, web and other reference books. It aims at developing the whole person, including vocationalism by involving visits to the field of businesses, firms and organization. As a final result, a person of a groomed personality with eloquence and qualifications is trained also to face economic challenge of raising the country's GDP and maintaining it. During further phases of comparison and constrast, Card D. and A.B Krueger (1992) state that in Britain, there are grammar schools where students are selected on the basis of class and creed. There are non-selective or comprehensive schools where anyone willing to acquire education is welcomed. However, comprehensive schools follow the curriculum of grammar schools and their locus of control has been shifted to government in recent years. Exams completely dominate the curriculum and now virtually all schools let down all less able pupils. Reforms introduced include encouragement of initiatives in form of money investment and change in way of measuring performance. Performance criteria are based now on standards wanted and the end results envisioned. Performance is measured by comparing the effort put in with the quality of performance outcomes. Nigeria Education Policy: According to the 3rd edition of National Policy on Education released by Federal Republic of Nigeria (1998), Education in Nigeria is regarded more as a capital good than as a consumer good. It is aimed at developing human capital to prepare people to be able to perform functions that are needed to transform the environment around themselves and their standard of living. Since absence of developed talents, skills, qualification and education and expertise has always resulted in retarded economic growth, it is very essential for Nigeria to stress on development of human capital. British Curriculum for Foundation Stage: According to Marcon, R. A. (2002), the British curriculum aims at creating individuality and independence in the young minds from the stage of their infancy. Thus their nursery for infants has an enclosed playground with separate entrance. Moreover, each classroom has books, toys, puzzles and other sources of knowledge and entertainment within easy reach of the children so as to promote child independence. In other words, the child won't have to ask an adult for help in accessing the resource. Instead, the infant will just crawl up to or toddle down to grab anything that is desired for. Legislation that governs the curriculum: The British curriculum is suggested and approved by the British Department of Education (BDE) and Qualifications and

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