Friday, October 25, 2019

Teenage Alcohol Abuse Essay -- essays research papers

Is there ever going to be an end of teenagers drinking before they are allowed to according to law? In today’s society teenagers walk around as if they know exactly what is good for them, as if they are invincible. Take a look at the number of crashes caused every year by teenage under-aged drinkers and how alcohol effects their future and see how bold of a word invincibility is. Issues that need to be considered when it comes to alcohol are the medical conditions it gives people, how alcohol effects each teenagers future, and who the people are that are inspiring teenagers to drink. People have the right to drink but because of law teenagers are not legally allowed to. There is a reason for everything and this is to keep everyone safe. Alcohol has a major effect on people medically, especially teenagers. Between the years 1988-1996, there was between 130-150 deaths each year caused medically by the use of alcohol. Believe it or not but alcohol is the most commonly consumed drug in New Zealand. It causes cancer, high blood pressure, haemorrhagic strokes, cardiac conditions...

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