Thursday, October 31, 2019

Violence in Education Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Violence in Education - Research Paper Example This essay highlights that  education is a very critical sector in the economy of any nation as it contributes too much in terms of expertise and professional knowledge which can be utilized in various fields for achievement of success and progress. It is also through education that many problems faced by the contemporary society are eradicated for instance poverty and ignorance. Despite its importance, education is faced with numerous challenges that hinder its success in one way or the other for example lack of adequate resources and facilities, poor management and violence among others.  According to the report findings  education is a very instrumental aspect to every individual, the society, a nation and the world at large. Every person should be entitled to education to the highest possible level with favorable conditions that allows for excellence. This is so because education is a significant building block in regard to the growth and development of human beings   as it acts as a driving force towards improved living standards and also development through aspects like reduction of poverty, promotion of peace and stability,   improvement of health, promotion of gender equality among other aspects. All this is made possible because people get enlightened when they go through various education systems which instill a lot of knowledge in a wide range of life issues hence helping them in general decision making and problem solving. Education sector is faced with a lot of challenges violence being one of them.

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